1. What is the Karl Barth Society of North America?
The mission statement of the KBSNA appears in Article 2 of the Constitution and reads as follows:
The purpose of the Society shall be to encourage a critical and constructive theology in continuity with the work of Karl Barth by such means as
1. the provision of whatever assistance is possible to the Karl Barth Foundation of Switzerland especially in its purpose “to collect and preserve the entire writings of Karl Barth and literature about him, including letters, and to prepare and publish a complete edition of the writings of Karl Barth”.
2. the establishment on the North American continent of a collection as complete as possible of Karl Barth’s writings and works about Karl Barth in order to facilitate research projects.
3. the organization of various types of conference to explore the resources of Karl Barth’s work for theology.
2. When was the Karl Barth Society founded?
The Society was founded at “The Karl Barth Colloquium” on October 26-28, 1972 in Toronto, Canada.
3. What is the governance of the Karl Barth Society?
Advisory Board
Dr. George Hunsinger, Princeton Theological Seminary
Dr. Willie Jennings, Yale Divinity School
Dr. Keith Johnson, Wheaton College
Dr. Paul Molnar, St. John’s University, New York
Dr. Gerald McKenny, University of Notre Dame
Dr. Hanna Reichel, Princeton Theological Seminary
Dr. Katherine Sonderegger, Virginia Theological Seminary
Dr. Andrea White, Union Theological Seminary
Dr. Philip Ziegler, University of AberdeenOfficers
President, Dr. Paul Dafydd Jones, University of Virginia
President, Dr. Cambria Kaltwasser, Northwestern CollegeSecretary, Dr. Philip Ziegler, University of Aberdeen
4. How can I become a member of the Karl Barth Society?
Everyone interested in joining the Karl Barth Society of North America is invited to become a member by renewing or purchasing their membership at: http://kbsna.kbarth.org/membership
Alternatively, you may send your name, address (including email address) and annual dues of $30.00 ($15.00 for students) to:
Professor Paul D. Molnar
Department of Theology and Religious Studies
St. John Hall
St. John’s University
8000 Utopia Parkway
Queens, New York 11439All checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank and should be made payable to the “Karl Barth Society of North America.” Your cancelled check will be your receipt.
5. When and where does the Karl Barth Society meet?
The Karl Barth Society regularly meets in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion. Our meeting normally begins on the Friday before the official opening of the AAR meeting and finishes on Saturday morning. Occasionally we hold special sessions together with other scholarly societies or in order to consider a special topic. The Friday afternoon sessions usually go from 4:00 P.M. to 6:30 P.M., though sometimes they go from 3:30 P.M. to 6 P.M. while the Saturday morning sessions go from 9 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. The announcement is carried in the Karl Barth Society Newsletter and also in the AAR bulletin under Additional Meetings. There is also an annual Karl Barth Conference held during the month of June at Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey. The announcement for this is carried in the Karl Barth Society Newsletter and is posted on the Center for Barth Studies website at barth.ptsem.edu
6. Is it possible to start a local chapter of the Karl Barth Society at my institution?
The North American Society encouraged and supported for many years a U.S. Midwestern Chapter of the Society. We have always been open to local chapters affiliating with us and receiving support from us. Local groups interested in the Barth Society may apply to the Secretary to become affiliated with the KBSNA. Write to Philip Ziegler for more information.
7. How can I get a copy of the Karl Barth Society Newsletter?
The Karl Barth Society Newsletter is uploaded twice annually (in the spring and the fall) to the Theological Commons on the Princeton Theological Seminary website.
8. May I contribute to the Karl Barth Society Newsletter?
Anyone who is interested in reviewing books for the Newsletter or anyone with announcements or information concerning Karl Barth’s theology or works about Karl Barth’s theology should contact the KBSNA at kbarthsna@gmail.com that we can publicize that information in the Newsletter.
9. Who can I email if I have additional questions?
If you have questions about Barth studies in general, please contact the Center for Barth Studies. If you have questions about the Karl Barth Society of North America in particular, please contact us directly at kbarthsna@gmail.com.